From the xCenta Essentials Dashboard, click on 'Incidents'.
A pop up will appear. Click 'Report Accident/Near Miss'.
A new page will appear. Fill in the fields as seen below.
You will then be required to fill in the full address of the location. Click on the arrow next to 'Select Location...' this will filter any known locations.
Click on the location where the incident occurred if it is on the pop up tab. This will enter the address details automatically.
If the location is not on the pop up tab, enter the address manually. Then click 'Next.'
A new page will appear. Click on the relevant 'Type of Incident'.
Click on the level of Harm that was caused.
Select the relevant type of accident from the drop down list.
Describe the incident.
When completed, click on 'Next'.
A new page will appear. Select the relevant Injury Sustained and Injured Body Part from from the drop down lists.
Select the correct Injured Persons Category, and Select whether the injured person has missed over 7 days of work.
If you choose Employee, you will then see a drop down list of all current employees. Select the relevant employee.
Once you have selected the employee, the personal details will be automatically generated.
Then fill out the Address, you have the option to click Unknown, and this will automatically fill in the fields for you.
Once all fields are complete, click 'Next'.
A new page will appear. Click 'Click here to add a witness statement' if there was a witness to the incident.
Enter the witness details and these will automatically save.
Select whether an Accident Investigation is required, and then click 'Submit.'
The incident will then be saved.
If you are unable to follow these instructions, you may not have the required user permissions. Please contact your Site Administrator.