The only time you are able to watch an e-learning video is whilst completing the course. Once you have passed the course, you are not able to re-watch the v...
Thu, 2 May, 2019 at 10:40 AM
No. Once you are assigned a course, you are only able to complete it.
Thu, 2 May, 2019 at 10:43 AM
From the xCenta Essentials Dashboard, click on 'e-Learning'. A drop down menu will then appear. Click on 'View My Training'. ...
Wed, 28 Oct, 2020 at 2:10 PM
No, there are currently no plans for xCenta e-learning courses to be available in other languages.
Fri, 10 May, 2019 at 9:27 AM
The maximum number of retries you can have on an e-learning course is 1000.
Fri, 10 May, 2019 at 9:48 AM
The vast majority of the e-learning courses ask you 5 questions. You will need to achieve at least 4/5 to pass, which is equivalent to 80%.
Wed, 28 Oct, 2020 at 2:27 PM
From the xCenta Essentials Dashboard, click on 'e-Learning'. A drop down will appear. Click on 'Allocate Courses'. A new...
Wed, 28 Oct, 2020 at 2:32 PM
There is currently no way of the manager being notified when a course is overdue.
Fri, 24 May, 2019 at 11:55 AM
Viewing e-learning means you can complete e-learning that is assigned to you, by viewing your training profile. Managing e-learning means you can alloc...
Fri, 24 May, 2019 at 11:57 AM
Yes. You are able to leave the course and return to the same part.
Fri, 24 May, 2019 at 1:51 PM